Monday, 4 November 2013

Week 8 Assignment Brief & Powerpoint Group Task [cont]

Please see this link: Unit 36 Assignment Brief for your Assignment Brief for the Unit

Use this weeks sessions to work in your 'decade groups' and put together your group PowerPoint presentations ready for presentation to the group and myself as a whole next week. (Brief Task 1)

You will be assessed for subject engagement, overall appreciation of the subject, and preparation of your notes and final slides etc

Remember you MUST record and provide you OWN set of evidence for all the tasks including this one, so even though you are working in a group you have an 'individual' evidence trail.

At the end of this unit you will have an opportunity to provide some feedback about how you felt the group worked together (questionnaire and form). All individuals are graded as such so don't have concerns if the group participation seems unequal at the moment.

You were also made aware of the your 1st Draft deadline for Task 2 the 800 word report on the relationship between hardware and software within a gaming platform/s

This first draft should be 300 words minimum and have at least one correctly referenced information source (refeer to the guidance document/research mini task you were given back in week 2 (also available in your shared space folder) on the college S: Drive

As usual here are some videos which may help with your studies this week and going forward.

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