The Decades of Gaming - Group Presentations (1970s - Present)
This week its time to present your findings as a group as required by Assignment Task 1
Please refer to these docs for guidance regarding your approach to presenting, remember YOU are being assessed as an INDIVIDUAL LEARNER. This means there must be a clear and defined set of evidence which shows YOUR contribution to the group project, this can include planning documents meeting notes, delegation of tasks and research, proper references in your notes to sources of information and images used in your slides and any supporting documents/handouts etc
Presentation Assessment Form :
Oral Presentation Assessment Criteria and Guidance :
Also remeber to refer back to last weeks post for a brief video which deals with effective presentation techniques.
Self Directed Study and Preparation for next week's session
You have a draft version of your essay/report Task 2 due in next weeks session.
Please make sure you have produced at least 300 words and have attempted to reference (using the 'Harvard' system) at least one (1) source which you intend to paraphrase or directly quote from as part of your work.
There will be a brief recap/reminder in next weeks session on how to go about this, also refer to the previously provided Research Methods document (available on your shared drive).
To further help with this the following template can be used as a basic Essay/Report Plan for use in producing your first draft, remember to achieve the higher grades M & D you should look to expand on this which is representative of a P grade piece of planning documentation.
The following uses whats known as the (SEXI) structure:
Intro - Of your subject and your intentions with the essay/report
Paragraphs - MUST use fully formed paragraphs and appropriate writing structure and presentation i.e. no text speak or crazy unreadable fonts)
Topic Sentance - This tells the reader what the paragraph is
going to be about. You only need to write down the jist of the
topic sentence for each paragraph in your essay plan.
Explaination - A full Explanation of the point you’re making in this
paragraph. This should make up the bulk of your paragraph. In
your essay plan jot down what you’re going to explain.
EXamples - or justifications that back up what you've said in
that paragraph. Jot down what examples you’re going to
include in your essay plan so you don’t forget to include them
in your essay! (references and citations)
Importantnce - Why is this point Important? A really amazing essay
would also explain why this point is important to the essay as a
whole. What’s the significance of this point to the essay topic?
Conclusion - Every essay needs a conclusion that briefly
summarises what’s been said in the essay. You can just write down
conclusion or conc in your essay plan to make sure you write one.
I'm willing to bring in my gaming laptop along with my X360 (Halo 4 & Reach)